We all like to hate winter.

  Trudging through the snow, as well as ruining our best shoes, either freezes or burns in many layers on our desks as heat dissipates, gloomy office in late afternoon, pitchy  -Kali leaves in the evening.

  I get it, this is not the best time of year.  But it can happen!

  Stay here with me  I can come up with a lot of reasons why this should be your new favorite season, but when you're stuck in the office too, I think it seems like every day is going to be a bad day. 

 So here are eight small ways you can enjoy the comforts of winter during work - and hopefully start liking it a bit more.

 1. get a blanket to work

How to do work in winter? 5 ways

  There is nothing in the manual that says you cannot bear while working (at least I hope not).

 Bring in your warm blanket to snuggle next to.

  Or, perhaps your favorite sandal, a comfortable sweater, or a pair of moccasins.

 They will not only keep you warm, but they will also carry the comforts of home.

 2. brighten up your desk

How to do work in winter? 5 ways

  If your cubicle is shrinking you, it's time for makeover.

  With a happy workspace, you will hardly notice when it gets dark outside.

  Okay, this may be an exaggeration, but you'll notice it less.

  So, embrace Winter Wonderland and decorate your space by going with a cool theme (think: candles that smell like cookies), or by pretending somewhere else entirely (think: a small plant or beach on your desk  the posters).

 3. Take Hot Chocolate Breaks

How to do work in winter? 5 ways

  Everyone needs to take a break at some point, so why not make it a celebration?

 Take 30 minutes, grab a coworker or two, and experiment with some hot chocolate dishes in the kitchen, such as this snowflake cocoa or salted peanut butter hot chocolate.

 Or, for a quick break, buy a box of packets that you can whip at any time.  (Bonus points if you miss the marshmallow.)

 4. Dress for weather

How to do work in winter? 5 ways

  This one seems obvious, yet not many people take it seriously.

 But the more prepared you are for outside situations, the easier your transition from home to car (or train) to office.

  For example, wear shoes if it is running out of snow.

  Because nothing wastes a day more than stepping into a slush puddle in the parking lot and starting your day by heating your cold toes.

  Also, if you have dressed appropriately, you can easily take a mid-day vacation, even if it is just to run outside and grab a coffee.

  5. Pack a hot lunch

How to do work in winter? 5 ways

  Nothing reduces the pain of a cold better than a hot meal - soup, chili, lasagna, you name it.

 Make a batch the night before and heat the leftovers at work, or plan an office potluck day and bring everyone to your winter favorites.

 If you are feeling extra ambitious, you can also plan a chilli cook-off.


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 Pinterest- http://bit.ly/34pvuVQ

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