How to impress a girl? top 2 ways

How to impress a girl? top 2 ways

How to impress a girl? top 2 ways

  1- dress to impress. 

 Not only will you look and smell more attractive, caring for your grooming shows that you are mature and capable of important daily tasks. 

 [1] Also pay attention to the style of dress that she wears, and dress in the same style, this will help her to bond with you and make you look more attractive overall.

  And pay special attention to these areas:

 => Take a bath at least once a day. 

=> Wash your hair, apply soap on all sides, and rinse.

 => Also use a good-smelling shower scrub, not some feminine, but not too masculine, perhaps using a scent like mint or lemon.

=>  Keep your mouth clean. 

 => brush twice daily, floss and use mouthwash. 

=> For help in the middle of the day, use breath mints and chewing gum.

 => Manage facial hair by shaving daily.

=>  If you are growing facial hair, make sure it is trimmed to a uniform length, and not scraggly or unruly.

 => If you have a drowsiness, consider dropping any stray hairs above your nose.

=>  Wear a combination deodorant-antiperspirant. 

=> Apply it as soon as you get out of the shower in the morning.

=>  Make sure it doesn't smell too feminine or too masculine.

=>  Wear clean clothes.

  If you find yourself scrambled for new laundry, consider setting up a regular washing schedule, such as washing all your clothes every Sunday night.

"  Tip: Go easy on Cologne.  You can use some sprays of cologne or body spray, but do not go more than 2."

  2-Be polite 

How to impress a girl? top 2 ways

How to impress a girl? top 2 ways

How to impress a girl? top 2 ways

 Being well-meaning does not mean you are boring - it means that you know how other people are treated with respect, which is what most girls want from their boyfriends.

  [2] Show her that you know  should think about doing these things for everyone, not just for her:

  Say "Please," "Thank you" and "You're welcome."  Also "I would appreciate it" or "I would like for you ..."

  If someone is going through a door behind you, keep it open for her.

  Avoid stopping or saying any kind of crime in public, or in mixed company.

  It's okay to relax a bit around your friends, but try to show your best side around people you don't know well.




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