7 real ways to earn money online easily

Whether you are lookingto make some quick cash, or you're after long-term, more sustainable income-producing results, there are definitely ways you can do it online today.

 The truth is that earning money online is not as difficult as it seems.

This requires some discipline.

  However, if you are looking for realistic ways that you can start making money online right now, then it really boils down to seven paths you can take towards profit.

Some will provide you with immediate results, helping you address your basic monthly needs such as rent, utilities and groceries, while others have the potential to change your life by revolutionizing your finances in the long term. "

which method you choose to generate your online income, it is a very important thing to understand.

 Money can be earned and spent, saved and invested.  not time.

 Therefore time is more valuable than money.

  You cannot recreate time.  Once it was spent, it was gone forever.

  When you lack the luxury of time, making money offline or offline can seem like an impossible task.

  How will you do this when you are working a nine-to-five job throughout your life?

  While the stability of full-time employment may allow you to sleep well at night, it does not empower your creative juices to discover new income-producing strategies.

  No matter what method you are using to generate an income on the web, you need to adjust your mindset to help empower rather than discourage you.

  The truth is, earning money online can be avoided.

 Cancel the noise keeping in mind just follow some basic guidelines.

"  If you are serious about generating a full-time income and possibly more from your online activities, then you need to focus on passive income as opposed to active income."

  Definitely, active income will help you to survive.

 That drama has a deficiency mentality.

 But it is the passive income idea that will help to thrill you.

 Given that you have a finite amount of time, passive income should make up a large part of your work.

 If you are serious about generating any form of online income, then passive income should be one of your sole goals and ambitions.

  Why?  Wouldn't you prefer to work once and pay again and again, as opposed to relying on your time to generate that income?

  Invest time on the front-end so that you can benefit on the back-end.

 This means investing a little bit in equity and not paying today.

  Rather, you will be paid down the road.

  And you will continue to be paid whether you create that passive income stream or you stop.

  Anyone wanting to earn money online should pursue passive income, while also working on active income.

 There are lots of ways to passively generate income on the Internet, many of which start at the foundation of having a blog, generate enough traffic and build an audience and a list.

 It is not easy, but it is worth it.

  This does not mean that you need to start a blog to earn money online today.

  You can opt for a non-blog-starting route, but if you're looking for longevity in your income-producing capabilities on the Internet, a blog should be your primary objective.

 1. Take advantage of the app economy

 If you want to meet some immediate financial needs, then App Economy is right for you.

  Uber or Lyft: 

you're in a place where you can find Uber or Lyft, or one of many competitors around the world, such as China's Sister, the hours are flexible and you can work as you see fit,  Can make it perfect, even if you currently have full-time employment but want to make some money on the side.

  Postmates: You do not need a car in some places to earn money with this app.

 In some major metropolitan areas such as Manhattan, a bike will suffice.

  iBotta: Earn cash back rewards by purchasing featured products at major retailers.

  All you have to do is add a discount, make a purchase, then snap a picture of your receipt to get your cash back.  Simple and effective.

  Task Rabbit: Another simple and simple app for earning the bit side is the Task Rabbit app.

  Work can be anything from simple repairs to more complete ventures.

  The app features each service provider carefully to ensure the highest quality, and is a great way to make some extra income on your terms.

  Ebates: This app provides a simple way to earn money online by purchasing what you are already buying and then getting cash-back rewards.

  With eBates, there is no scanning receipt.  Just click on a link in the app and buy from the store.

  You will be automatically credited your cash rewards upon purchase, along with receiving email confirmation.

  Swagbucks: With Swagbucks, there are many ways you can make money.

 You can shop online, watch videos, answer surveys and surf the web.  The app gives you both cash and gift cards as reward for your efforts.

  Inbox Dollars: Another app you can use to earn money online is Inbox Dollars, which pays you to watch television, take surveys and make purchases.

 There are cash offers here and this is similar to some other apps in the region.

 2. Use existing websites 

Include both active income and passive income methods.

 For example, you can sell some used items or invest in creating some digital designs that can then be sold on consignment.

 Again, dedicate a large portion of your time to passive income so that you can slowly build an income that will come on autopilot without any extra effort.

  Of course, a large portion of these sites have their own apps.

  But these are certainly less involved in the gig economy, and in more long-term projects that exist in the fields of photography, online marketing, graphic design, and web development, for example.

  Craigslist: This site has been a resource for more than a decade for those who want to make extra money online for those people.

  You can easily sell your used goods, rent an extra room in your house or apartment, and offer your services to the world.

  Upwork: This website provides a great market for selling just about any professional service.

 You do not need a merchant account, your own website or anything else for that matter.

  You just need to be able to provide high quality service at a reasonable price.

  But be informed, you have to compete with many others who are constantly bidding on open jobs.

  Cafe Press: This website allows you to create digital designs that can then be sold on the platform.

 You will earn a commission for everything you sell and you will never have to deal with logistics like printing, warehousing and customer service.

  If you have some graphic design skills, this is a great potential source for your web-based income.

Fiverr: Israeli-based Fiverr was launched in 2010 by Shal Wininger and Micha Kaufam.

  You can offer gigs as low as $ 5 but can be paid a lot more for upgrades and add-ons.

  Mechanical Turk: Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a resource for performing human-intelligence tasks, or as the site usually refers to them, the heights.

  You are paid very little for any HIT and you will need a good amount of money to make enough money.

  But it is a resource that you can use in your spare time to earn online income.

  Flippa: If you have a penchant to buy and sell, you can use Flippa, and its higher counterpart, Deal Flow Brokerage to buy and sell websites for profit.

  You need to know what you are doing here, but you can easily make a big income by flipping income generating websites for profit.

  Etsy: While Etsy has recently declined in popularity, it is still a great resource for selling handmade items online.

  There is no need for complex e-commerce sites or merchant accounts or any type of automation.

  The company charges a commission for each sale and charges a small inventory per item.

  But many still use Etsy as their primary source of income.

  The best thing is that you can also sell digital products like poster design here.

  Shutterstock and iStockPhoto: Curious for photography?  Why not sell photos on some major photography sites.

 You will need some design software skills to tag.  But if you have skills in this area, it is a great potential source of passive income.

  Threadless: Similar to the café, Chicago-based Threadless also allows you to sell digital designs like T-shirts and other merchandise such as phone cases, mugs, beach towels and so on.

Zazzle: Another great resource to sell online is to use Robert Bever's Zazzle.

 The site is somewhat similar to Etsy and virtually anyone can sell a wide variety of items online here.

 From art to handmade items and customizable products, you can sell a lot here.

 3. Sell your item 

 If you are ready to enter the ecommerce frame, you can sell your goods.

 Of course, selling your goods on your own website comes with a full range of both responsibilities and technical configurations and requirements.

  For starters, you will need a website and a hosting account.  You will also need a merchant account such as that offered by Stripe or PayPal.

 Then you will need to design that site, build a sales funnel, lead magnet and do some email marketing.

  You will need to worry about e-commerce software, fulfillment software, warehousing, customer service and refunds.

  but that's not all.  You will also need traffic.  Think about search engine optimization, Facebook advertising and other social media campaigns.

 It is hard work, especially on its own.  You can opt for Amazon's platform, which may be the easier route.

  But, again at the end of the day, it is a serious business, which can produce significant profits.  So you are either all in or you are not.

  Shopify: Want to create your own storefront?  You can choose to create a Shopify store.

  You can also install WooCommerce as a plugin and run your e-commerce store from your blog.

 You'll need SSL certificates and how to process payments, but you may find it easier to get up and running faster to start selling immediately.

  Fullfield-by-Amazon (FBA): You can start selling at the world's largest online store and not spend time building your own infrastructure or worrying about traffic.

  You will have to pay a commission, but most other processes will be automated for you.

Drop-shipping: Amazon offers a form of drop-shipping, but there are other resources for drop-shipping products that you'll never really have to see or handle yourself.

  You just have to close the sale.  Providers like Cellho, Worldwide Brands and many more provide you with a resource for drop-shipping your products.

  High-ticket consulting or coaching: You can sell your own high-ticket consulting or coaching products from their website.

 You will still need a website, merchant account, sales funnel, lead magnet and many other items.

  But you can easily earn a sizeable amount from each individual customer, making it well worth the setup required.

4. Sell as an affiliate 

 There are lots of resources to make money online as an affiliate.

 You can get products from ClickBank, Commission Junction, Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Impact Radius and many more.

 Also, many large companies have their own affiliate programs.

 Do your due diligence and find the right company for your audience with a relevant product or service that you can sell as an affiliate.

  In some cases, you will need an active website with enough traffic to be approved.

  Selling as an affiliate is by no means easy, but if you have an audience, it can certainly be a big part of income.

5. Start a blog

 If you are serious about making money online, start a blog.

 Blogging is one of the easiest and most sustainable income sources.

 As long as the blog is set up correctly, with the right content targeted to the right audience, and the offer is complementary to the content, you can get tremendous income from a blog.

  Although some people may think that starting a blog is a difficult endeavor, it becomes much easier when you understand the exact steps that you need to take.

 It all starts in the decision of choosing a profitable niche and choosing the right domain name.

 From there, you need to make your offers.  You can easily sell things like mini-email courses, training and ebooks.

 6. Email Marketing 

If you are interested in online marketing, setup email software and create a lead magnet that you can use in your sales funnel.

 Then, build that list.  It is often said that you can expect to earn around $ 1 per customer per month.

  If you have a list of 10,000 subscribers, it means that you can earn around $ 10,000 per month.

 You won't need to price and pitch them on every email, but this is a very achievable goal in the short term.

  There are many ways to get people on your list.

 Lead magnets are one such resource.

  For example, you can create e-books, checklists and cheat sheets.

 But you can also upgrade content, such as PDF versions of an article, with additional resources in them, a four-part video training series, and more.

 Think about your audience and what you can offer to serve them better, then treat them with some respect and you will eventually receive the award.

7. Webinar Training 

Webinars are possibly one of the most powerful ways that you can make a lot of volume online.

  You will need an audience to train and you need to know what you are talking about.

  Of course, this usually requires a website and some glimpse of the online presence.

  However, people can still do webinars without all of this.

 For example, you can have a large size of social media and you train them to do something on social media every week.

 But you will need a product to embed and sell at some point.

  Do not worry about it in the beginning.  In my experience, GoToWebinar is the best webinar platform.

  No matter which method you choose to make money online, understand that you can make some money fast, but for large returns, you will need significant sweat equity.

  However, a year from now, you'll be glad you started today. 

 Remember, time is more valuable than money.  Focus on creating passive income streams that will free up your time so that you can skip the rat race and focus on the things that matter.


 Instagram- http://bit.ly/32dqfHz


 Pinterest- http://bit.ly/34pvuV

Tells us in comment box if you know better way to earn money.