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Why do feel cold? Prevention tip

Why do we feel cold?

Are you felling cold in this winter.

"Absolutely yes because this is winter there are many nerves going through our skin for detection of various sensation and one of this is cold"

So it's looks like you almost know why we feel cold?

Ok let me give you some more example.

1- just think when somebody touch you how do you feel.
I think it's depend on person hand.

2-when you go outside for long drive on a bike or open car how it's feels when air touches your body.

3-when something hard can be hammer or hard object hits you how you feel.

So in above example we see that every time we are feeling something.

I know in each case it's different feeling.

"But this is  your answer because all we have nerves in skin that provides information whenever someone touches you.

And cold is also one of the feeling of sensation. "

Ok now understand.so moving to next point.

What are our body do to not feel cold and makes us warm.

There are lots of factor not a single one only.

We will discuss one by one but I will give you some short explanation to understand how our body makes us warm.

The  answer is simple food.  right food the more you will eat the more you will gain energy.

And energy is necessary condition for making our body warm.

Body uses tons of callories for making body warm.

Now you find out why thin or weak people feeling cold more but not stronger one.

Wow you are so intelligent good.

Ok so I will tell you 5 ways by which you are getting cold and how to fix them with some easy step.

Reason -1
Why do feel cold?

Iron level(Fe)

Yes friends I know you know that but this is the one of main reason also reason for weaknesses.

Iron carry oxygen when attach to red blood cells.

If iron level decrease not much amount of oxygen will gonna be carry but blood circulation rate will decrease resulting in body slowly slowly starts becoming cold.

A women have this type of problem Anemia.

So doctors experiment on her and give them water bath in the starting she felt so much cold.

Then doctors give her iron increasing efficiency product dose in every fews days.

After that doing same experiment and result was oh my god it's working.

Mainly women felling more cold in Winters then compare to men because they have menstrual cycle and loses lots iron form that in every month.

So in case of women they have to prefer more iron.

Conclusion and prevention tip

Low iron level can feel you more cold.

So start increasing dose of iron products like pulses,soyabean and meat etc.

Female loses lots of iron through every month due menstrual cycle.

So they have to take more iron products.


Why do feel cold?

Vitamin B12

Same like above it's deficiency can stops or slows down brain function.

Results lower down the body temperature and people will gonna feel more cold.

So much cold.

Here a secret you know a intelligent people have more amount of vitamin B12 in their body results have good mind capacity for remembering.

Conclusion and prevention tip

Low vitamin B12 deficiency can decrease brain function results lower down body temperature.

Take lean meat ,dry fruits and fish etc to overcome this deficiency.

Reason -3
Why do feel cold?

Poor circulation

Poor circulation is also one of the major factor.

Are you confused don't worry let me clearify that circulation is the rate of flow of blood.

But if you have poor circulation it's means that you reate of flow of blood is low.

And you know if blood flow rate decrease it's also makes you feel colder and leads to death also.

Due to poor circulation mainly yours fingers,toes and lips and ear etc. Parts are affected.

There can be some disease or problem in heart because of that you are facing all these problem.

Raynod's disease in this your blood vessels become narrow to end and hence blood flow rate decrease.

A study show's over thousands of peoples of UK affect once from this type of problem.

Conclusion and prevention

Due to some disease or problem blood flow rate decreases one of the disease is Raynod disease.

This disease needs a medical attention it can be very dangerous.

You can also take Omega 3 oil like fish oil.

A study on some volunteer whose given fish oil.

Are surviving more time than the normal one like 30 minutes before but after it becomes 45 minutes in an average.

Why do feel cold?

Seasional Affective Disorder (SAD)

It's a type of disorder of feeling of depression ,fatigue or weakness.

Due to winter.

In this time there all body fucntions reduces or they feel tired fastly.

It's main reason to occur low level of dopamine in Winters due to which thermoregulation decrease.

Thermoregulation is the heat produced by the body and heat losses by the body in use.

So for confirming that scientist do a little experiment on some volunteer.

They choose some SAD disease people and half normal people.

All of them do activity in both summer and winter.

Interestingly result was amazing there was no difference of activity in summer.

But in winter SAD affected people capacy of doing work reduces and they can't able to control their body to losses heat.

Conclusion and prevention

Due to depression a disorder called seasional Affective Disorder occur.

And also due to low dopamine.

In this case must meet doctor and take sunlight and good supplements.

That can prevent it.

Reason -5
Why do feel cold?

Lack of sleep

Yes are you lazy it's good for in Winters just kidding.

But taking a good sleep is very necessary because those sleep less are feeling more cold than the other.

Because it's signal our brain and hypothalamus region gets from it.

In an experiment volunteer told to be put hand in cold water bath and measure the time how much it's survive.

And then awokes Him for the 29 hours and then do same expect again but this time he didn't hold his hand for much time.

Conclusion and prevention

People who sleep less are feeling more cold.

Take a good natural 7-9 hours sleep daily.

And can eat magnesium contain supplements.

Do exercise on daily basis for increasing heat.

 For more detial you can visit this website



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Tell us in comment box if know also any special method for reducing cold

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